Thursday, April 10, 2008

On returning to blogging...

So I've decided that i want to go back to school to get a Ph.D. in history, even though

a) There are no job prospects,
b) I'm at a real job making a reasonable salary,
c) I haven't written or researched anything at all in 4 years,
and d) There are no job prospects.

So I've also determined that I need to start actually *thinking* again instead of just obsessively reading the news. So even if i don't have time to post thoughtful responses, I'm going to at least post some links to what I've been reading, to keep me honest.

For what that's worth.


Rohit said...
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Rohit said...

nice, you can finally be the wacky prof you've always wanted to be :). Welcome back to blogging!

I'm posting sort of sporadically right now because any posts for the next week are just random bits of procrastination when I should be studying...but you should check out today's. Not only is Harper ideologically crazy, he's also (probably) involved in bribery.

PS I changed the URL to my blog... libertyofthepeople was just wayyyyy to tacky and high-school radical-ish.

the new one is more to the point.

April 17, 2008 1:48 PM